Kids CornerBest short story on favourite mythological character: Lakshmana –...

Best short story on favourite mythological character: Lakshmana – An epitome of brotherhood


Hamsa Bhatt, 9 years

Lakshmana is an important character of the epic Ramayana, written by Sage Valmiki.
He is one of the incarnations of AdiShesha and was Rama’s brother. He was most devoted to his eldest brother Rama. Both of them were the closest brothers. Rama was married to Sita and Lakshmana was married to Urmila, who is the sister of Sita.

Rama and Sita had to leave to forest for 14 years. Even Lakshmana accompanied him leaving Urmila to take care of his parents. Lakshmana was so devoted to Rama, that every day, when Rama was resting, he would massage his legs. He wouldn’t let Rama do anything and do all he could to serve him. He obeyed every order of Rama, even he didn’t wish to do it.

As Lakshmana wanted to take care of Sita and Rama he had not slept for a week. Then Nidhra Devi appeared in front of him and told “Lakshmana you have to sleep.“ Lakshmana told, “I can’t as I have to Protect and take care of Rama and Sita.” Nidhra Devi told that someone has to sleep on your behalf for 14 years, so Lakshmana told, “my wife
Urmila will sleep.” So Nidhra Devi went near Urmila and told what had happened, hearing this, Urmila was so happy that she can indirectly help her husband by being part of it.

During the exile, Lakshmana was very helpful for Rama and Sita. He built them a hut in Panchavati, brought them food, and guarded them.

Lakshmana was extremely short-tempered. Lakshmana was famous for his Lakshmana-Rekha. Once, when Sita ordered Lakshmana to go out and help Rama, Lakshmana knew that Rama was not in any danger. But still, he couldn’t disobey Sita, so he went, he drew a line around their hut, instructing her not to step outside that line. Such was devotion to Rama and Sita.

In the war, the most famous warrior whom Lakshmana killed was Indrajit, Ravana’s son. But he was also seriously injured by the strong weapon of Indrajit. Later he was cured by Sanjeevani plant brought by Hanuman.

Lakshmana gets angry on Rama for the first time, when Rama asked Sita to undergo Agnipraveha. Later on Rama’s order, Lakshmana leaves Sita in the forest.

Lakshmana stayed loyal to Rama till the end of his life. A sage had come to meet Rama, telling that no one should interrupt their meeting. If anyone interrupts, then Rama must sentence to death. Rama told Lakshmana to not let anyone in.

Once Sage Durvasa came to meet Rama. Lakshmana did not allow him inside and sage Durvasa threatened that he would spell a curse in which the whole of Ayodhya will perish. So, Lakshmana thought that it is better that he suffers a death sentence rather than destroying Ayodhya. So he interrupted Rama’s meeting. Before the verdict from Rama, Lakshmana himself gives up his life drowning into River Sarayu. It makes clear that, for the first time he was disobedient to his brother, because he was scared of Durvasa and he allowed Durvasa to enter the private room.

Rama’s famous statement : Na Lakshmana Samo Bratha. After Sita left Rama(When Bhumi Devi took her away), Rama lived for many years. But as soon as Lakshmana gave up his body, Rama also died. He said “I probably can find a wife like Sita, but to get a brother like Lakshmana with his characteristics is impossible. And I could get him because of my fortune.” Both regained their original forms of Adishesha and Vishnu and returned to Vaikunta.


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