Kids CornerMichael Jackson music to inspire each generation

Michael Jackson music to inspire each generation


Daniel Tondikatti

“Heal the world make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race there
There are people dying, if you care enough for the living make it better place for you and for me.” These lyrics of the song ‘Heal the World’ is definitely not just a song of melody but is surely a song which is more like a prayer.

Undoubtedly the current generation has lost in the flow of the new trends of upcoming pop music and pop stars like Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Ed Sheeran and many others. But still the songs of the great legend the king of pop culture and pop music Michael Jackson rules our hearts.

His moves on the floor and the songs he wrote where nothing less than the flow of the sweet winds along the horizon.

Abhinandan, student from Impact Polytechnic and a huge fan of Michael says, “Michael Jackson rules our hearts and as a dancer the is my inspiration. His song Dangerous, Heal the World, Hold my hand and many others top my music list and they are the most played songs in my phone. I miss his dance and miss everything about him. He was and will always be the king of pop.”

“Micheal Jackson the man whose songs are no less than a dream full of wonder and happiness the king of pop is still in our hearts and his songs Billie Jean, Beat It, Pretty young thing, Man in the mirror, Smooth criminal, Girl is mine and Dangerous send chills down my spine,” says Sangeeta, student of Impact Polytechnic and a fan of the king of pop.

I still remember us dancing in school for the farewell party for the song Dangerous and They don’t care about us. Those memories will always be fresh in my mind as we had all dressed up like Michael Jackson and were completely tuned with his moves and steps. Maybe, never again I might live that moment in life but surely the song of Micheal have given me a thousands of memories to cherish.

Maybe a million new stars might rise everyday but surely no one can replace Micheal Jackson in the hearts and minds of people. Micheal Jackson was and always will remain the king of pop.

News4children, a news portal on current affairs tapered especially for children with academic input. Every article is written in simple language with full background information, so children can understand the news better. Most of the articles include academic input, activities and vocabulary as well.


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