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A “Challenge” to Mission Impossible

Siri C K

Roscosmsos, a Russian space agency rocketed director Klim Shipenko and actress Yulia Peresild to space on October 5th, on a mission to make the worlds’ first movie in orbit.

Roscosmos cosmonaut Oleg Novitskiy, Klim Shilenko and Yulia Peresild landed on Earth on Sunday, October 17 in Kazakhstan from International Space Station(ISS) in SOYUZ MS – 18 spacecraft. The spacecraft was controlled by Russian cosmonaut Oleg Novitskiy.

Oleg Novitskiy had arrived at the Space Station on April 9th and returns to earth after a long trip of 191 days in space, spanning 3056 orbits of the earth.

A farewell video was tweeted from the @Space_Station [ISS]. 

The Russian movie ‘Challenge’ is in its own race to make a movie in space. Surpassing Tom Cruise  Hollywood movie which is set to be shot in space involving NASA and Elon Musk’s Space X.

The actress told Associated Press, “It was c, physically and morally hard. But I think that once we achieve the goal, all that will seem not so difficult and we will remember it with a smile.” As part of her training, Peresild went on a parabolic airplane flight which flies arcs up and down to simulate the microgravity of the ISS for about 30 seconds at a time.

The movies’ plot centers around a female surgeon who is dispatched to the ISS to save a cosmonaut.

The US beat its rival Russians by becoming the first state to send a human into space. Today, after sixty years Russia has paved its way back into the space race by shooting the first feature film in orbit.

The expedition has faced its own challenges, as the crew docked at the ISS, it had to be switched to manual control. Later, the Soyuz MS – 18 spacecraft’s thruster fired unexpectedly and destabilized the ISS for 30 minutes.

The Soviets launched the first satellite Sputnik, and sent the first animal, a dog named Laika, the first man, Yuri Gagarin, and the first woman, Valentina Tereshkova.



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