Daily QuizDiwali Special: Quiz and Short Story Writing Contest

Diwali Special: Quiz and Short Story Writing Contest


Rules to follow before you start the Quiz –

  1. First, email your details –  Name, age, email Id, and address to [email protected] (We collecting details so we can announce the winner and send the prize)
  2. Eligibility: Children between 10-14 years
  3. Attempt the Quiz within the time limit- 3 minutes 30 seconds. Everyone will get only one attempt. Scroll down to take the quiz.

Short Story Writing Content:

  1. Write a maximum 500 words short story on “Your favorite mythological figure”
  2. Send in your entries to [email protected] before November 8
  3. Eligibility: Children between age 8-14 years
  4. Please mention, name, age, address while sending your entries.

The contest is open from November 4- November 10. The contest is conducted in partnership with House of Books and Tales. 

Good Luck!


You have 3 minutes 30 seconds to answer 20 questions!

Oops! You ran out of time. 

Created on By News4children

Diwali Special: Quiz on Diwali and Current Affairs

Please fill in the details so we can keep you posted!

1 / 20

As a rocket engineer, when in NASA, Abdul Kalam learned about an Indian king who was glorified as a hero of warfare rocketry

2 / 20

Who is the Prime Minister of New Zealand?

3 / 20

Who won the Nobel Peace Prize 2020?

4 / 20

Who is called the "Missile Man of India"?

5 / 20

What does 'Orangutan' means in Malay language?

6 / 20

The paddy fields filled with water emits methane a Greenhouse Gas. Is it true or false?

7 / 20

The party system in the United States of America is

8 / 20

What is the meaning of secularism?

9 / 20

International day of democracy is celebrated on

10 / 20

What is the capital of Turkey?

11 / 20

One of the mythology stories is not associated with the celebration of Diwali. Which one is that?

12 / 20

Firecracker originated in

13 / 20

Who is the President of France?

14 / 20

Which country in the world has very strict laws in terms of banning and usage of firecrackers?

15 / 20

When is the international internet day celebrated?

16 / 20

Identify the image

17 / 20

Identify the image

18 / 20

World Post Day is celebrated every year on

19 / 20

SOFIA was recently in news and it is the name of

20 / 20

Who was known as 'The Golden Boy' in football?

Your score is

The average score is 58%



News4children, a news portal on current affairs tapered especially for children with academic input. Every article is written in simple language with full background information, so children can understand the news better. Most of the articles include academic input, activities and vocabulary as well.


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