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Always, seen children on bike without headgear, while parents wear headgear. Wondered why children safety is not ensured?
However, that won’t be the case going ahead. With the passage of the ‘The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill, 2019‘, on August 5, 2019, now helmet is compulsory for children.
According to the new bill, under section 129, “Every person, above four years of age, driving or riding or being carried on a motorcycle of any class or description shall, while in a public place, wear protective headgear conforming to such standards as may be prescribed by the Central Government.”
Whereas this section does not apply to a person who is a Sikh wearing a turban, while driving or riding on the motorcycle, in a public place.
Further, Central Government may provide for measures for the safety of children below four years of age riding or being carried on a motorcycle.
While driving a four wheeler, Section 194B ‘imposes a penalty on persons for not wearing seat belts and for not seating children in a safe manner.’
Go and pick up headgear for your kids and also make proper seating facilities for toddlers while driving a car. You can buy car seat or car seat straps. Be safe on road.
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