Current AffairsPariksha Pe Charcha 2.0: Celebrate festival called exam, exam...

Pariksha Pe Charcha 2.0: Celebrate festival called exam, exam is not end of life, says PM Modi while interacting with students


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As examinations are around the corner, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, today addressed a gathering of 2000 students at Pariksha Pe Charcha 2.0 event, at New Delhi. Students across India and globe, participated and asked questions to PM Narendra Modi.

Key takeaways:

  • Celebrate festival called exam. Exam is not end of life. Life is above and beyond exams.
  • We should educate and train ourselves. Just how important is education, training is essential for living life.
  • Clarity in thoughts, faith in conviction and character to act. We should develop this.
  • Once in a day, parents, always reflect how you were and behaved at young age. How did you react to your parents then? This will help to reduce the distance between you and your child.
  • Parents should not pressurise children to score marks just show off or to gain or maintain society status.
  • Technology is narrowing us down and our thoughts process. Technology is very powerful and it must be used wisely for our development.
  • Be it rich and poor, all have same time. We should make use of the time effectively. We should not waste time
  • Do not compare your child with other children. We should always encourage children. Comparing creates deep psychological impact. We should not criticise children always. Appreciate and encourage them.
  • Do not back out from counselling. Counselling helps to fight depression.

Below are the questions asked by students and parents and answered by Narendra Modi:

How to answer teachers who think exams make or break the career? How to deal with too much expectations from parents? How do you deal with pressure?

Exams is not the end of life. Question yourself, whether these exams are ‘life exams’ or just ‘class exams’? Refocusing our thought process will reduce the burden and pressure, and in-turn will increase one’s focus on exams. Life is above and beyond exams.

Life is full of dreams and it’s a continuous effort to achieve the same. Parents should not impose their dreams on their children. When a toddler learns to walk, mother encourages the child even as the child falls after two steps. As children grow, parents should not ignore them. Parents should constantly be there for them irrespective of failure or success. Having expectations from a child is a good thing. Children should not drown in those expectations, but should take it head on. Good to have expectations and important to have aspirations.

How to overcome fear of pressure from parents and teachers?

One should have dreams and expectations but pressure spoils everything.  Parents should not pressurise children to score marks just to show off or to gain or maintain society status. It will have huge psychological impact on children. Parents should not be bothered about what others say. Every child is different. Parents should continuously observe their children and understand their strengths and encourage them.

My child is plays online games and not concentrating on studies. What to do about it?

Technology is narrowing us down and our thoughts process. Technology is very powerful and it must be used wisely for our development. Actively involve children with encouraging conversation in terms of technology and latest developments. Parents should also show keen interest to learn from children about latest technology and slowly guide them the right use of technology. Outdoor activities must form significant part of our life.

How do we determine our goal? Should we be conservative about our goals or have big goal?

There is a saying in Gujarati – “If you miss the target, that can be forgiven, if you keep the target low, that cannot be forgiven.”

Students should not set easy goals nor should they set very difficult goals. However, only when you aim high will you be successful eventually. I want to do CA, is not the goal. We should first understand our own ability and strengths. And our goal should be based on one’s ability and continue to increase bar of set target. We should climb small hills to climb a big mountain.

When we don’t reach the target, we should introspect ourselves. Where did we go wrong? and reorganise ourselves- What went wrong? how much time was spent? what should be the focus?  Then we will definitely be successful.

What motivates you(PM) to work continuously and energetically? As students how can we manage our time to reach our goals.?

Mother never gets tired. Just the thought that only she can meet child’s needs, gives her all the energy. In the same way, I never get tired of serving my country.

Time management, this is in our hands. Simply, end of the day, just point down what did you do with your time. You will understand. Observe how you use your time? Time is money and we destroy the same thing. We should not waste time. God has given that equally to everyone. Be it rich and poor, all have same time. We should make use of the time effectively.

How to take studies as fun and not stress? We start exams from very young age? Will exam improve our personality or hinder it?

Exams are not bad. There is no alternative to working hard and exams. If you look at exams as an opportunity, then it is easy. Every student has inner ability and strengths and one should find out what they are good at. Exams are important as it brings out those strengths and ability. However, we should not live for exams but learn to acquire knowledge. Do not live your life for exams. Live life for oneself. When we live life for oneself, we start acquiring knowledge and marks will follow along with it. Exams won’t be a burden anymore and it will be more like celebrating festival.

There is always pressure to choose science or math? Why can’t parents encourage what we like to do that is other than math or science?

Children lack proper guidance. Students themselves are confused and they are not aware of their passion. Firstly, find out what is your passion. Secondly, think, have you done anything about your passion so far? Going ahead, you can definitely convince your parents talking about your achievements based on your passion. Take guidance from teachers too. Children should know what their interest lies and must have clarity of thoughts.

Clarity in thoughts, faith in conviction and character to act. We should develop this.

Science and maths has its own importance but the thought that other subjects are not important is wrong. Don’t react in pressure. Interact with parents and teachers and you will get guidance.

Further, do not compare your child with other children. We should always encourage children. Comparing creates deep psychological impact. We should not criticise children always. Appreciate and encourage them. In competition, break your own record than others and this way you will never be disappointed, as you continue to set higher targets for yourself.

Why do parents and teachers appreciate few children and few don’t. Why?

Appreciation thoughts creeps in as we are over-conscious and low on self-confidence. People who are self confident, they are not bothered about the applause. With self-confidence you can determine to win teachers attention.

What taught in class and questions asked in exams does not relate to real life learning?

Problem is, teachers do not relate the classroom learning with everyday life. Every teacher while teaching should make it a hobby to relate books with the real life learning. With the importance given to scoring first or second rank we lose significance of life learnings.

How to fight and home sickness while as staying away from home and depression?

In Indian society, earlier, with joint family, children could speak with grandparents or parents. They would have some outlet to express. These days, expression is less and suppression is more. It needs an outlet. Depression does not happen suddenly. But it’s a slow and long process and children get into depression.

Do not back out from counselling. Counselling helps to fight depression. Any symptom recognised, the child should be taken for counselling.

For those staying in hostel, I want to share a small experience-

When faced with disturbing incidence, take a book and write about that incidence everything and tear it off. If you don’t feel good, write again and tear it off.  First time if you have written 8 pages, second time you may write 6 pages. Write your thoughts again for the third time, and you will write just 2 pages…Your anxiety will reduce just like the number of pages/papers. With writing and tearing it off you wont have the fear that someone may read it. This is a small solution. This will solve the problem for a day or two and helps you stand on your feet for the time being.

Find someone close friend to share your feelings. I stayed away from home at a very young age and I have learnt to look at life in a different angle. That has taught me a lesson and learnt to live life. Don’t take depression lightly, be it student, parents or teachers.

Pic Source: Twitter





















News4children, a news portal on current affairs tapered especially for children with academic input. Every article is written in simple language with full background information, so children can understand the news better. Most of the articles include academic input, activities and vocabulary as well.



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