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My favourite sport

Chinmay Karur, IG8, Vidyashilp Academy, Bangalore

A Sport is a great way of training your muscles and coordination along with having tons of fun. There are a lot of sports and some people prefer some sport over the other, whereas some people like all sports because all sports have their own advantages, but a sport is just like two sides of a coin where there are advantages along with disadvantages.

I enjoy playing a whole lot of sports and games including Badminton, Soccer, Basketball, Table Tennis, Volleyball, Cycling, Swimming, Gymnastics and much more but each one has a preference and so do I; I prefer one of the most played and enjoyed sport which is Soccer. Soccer is an amazing way of improving leg strength and coordination with the mind. It is great fun and is a strategic game which needs 11 players on each team. It is a game of team work and team spirit and is interesting and amusing to watch, play and learn this breathtaking game.

Each enjoyable game consists of 90 minutes with a break at the 45-minute mark. My brother was the one who inspired me to learn this sport and thereafter, I learnt soccer through the internet since my brother had gone to the United States of America for further College Studies. I am always fascinated, satisfied and curious about how the players like Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Roberto Carlos, Paul Pogba, Zlatan Ibrahimović etc. do some crazy, magical and psychotic tricks and that is one more thing that inspires me to play soccer and become good at it. I finally conclude by saying that soccer is my favorite recreational activity/sport and that I play it, learn it, and watch it the most even though I like some other sports too.

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