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I got hurt…

Anushka S.I, Class 2

(The extract is from Anuska’s Journal, which she wrote while she was on bedrest. Illustration is done by Anushka)

I had a bad day. I ran out of the house backwards from the compound. I tripped and fell. My right leg got fractured and my left leg was hurt badly because the car tyre went on my left foot toe. I was shocked and my mother and grandmother rushed me to the nearby hospital named “Chaitanya Hospital”, where I was born. I was not able to understand what was going on when the people in the hospital rushed me to the X-ray room and an orthopaedic doctor came in, he said, that I had fractured thigh and I needed a surgery. I was scared and I could not sleep in the night and I had to use the restroom so many times.

My First Surgery:

I was really getting scared now and they were very funny. They showed me a butterfly and I had to catch it, but they gave me an injection and they tied a cloth to right hand and the injections medicines stayed only for my right leg but not for my wounded leg. I had to scream and shout in the surgery room but when I came out, I had a smile on my face. I was still nervous about what they would do. I told my mummy about what happened. I will be fine, said mummy and daddy. I felt much better when they used to tell me that.

Get well soon Anushka …


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