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First tropical born Polar bear Inuka dies at age 27 in Singapore zoo

Polar bear Inuka, the first born in the tropical island city, Singapore was put down in the zoo by the wildlife authorities, as it suffered from age related health issues. He was born on December 26, 1990.

Polar bear, native range lies largely within the Arctic Circle, encompassing the Arctic Ocean.  It’s body characteristics is made up to be adapted for cold temperatures, for moving across snow, ice and open water, and for hunting seals, which make up most of its diet.

The only tropical born, Inuka was aged 27 (corresponding to human age 70 years), had many health problems and could not endure more with illness. It seems there are as few as 22000 remaining in the wild according to WWF, an environmental group.

Being adapted to cold region, Inuka which lived in Singapore with warm temperature, is an unusual place to live in for such a huge animal. We should always let animals live in their habitat.

Source: Hindustan Times
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