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What is a Constitution? PM Narendra Modi inaugurates first health centre under Ayushman Bharat Scheme

Dheeksha Mahesh@NFC

PM Narendra Modi inaugurates first health centre under Ayushman Bharat Scheme

In 2018 Budget of India, the government launched the National Health Protection Scheme (Ayushman Bharat Scheme) that aims to provide free healthcare to over 50 crore people. The current population of India is 1,350,943,415 ( according to worldometers)  as of Monday, April 16, 2018, based on the latest United Nations estimates.

In line with the healthcare scheme, PM Modi inaugurated the first healthcare centre in Chattisgarh’s Bijapur a tribal district. Modi’s visit to Chattisgarh also coincided with birth anniversary of ‘Father of our Constitution’~ Dr B R Amedekar.

What is a Constitution?

Constitution is a set of basic principles, rules and regulations according to which a country/state is conducted. This includes, method by which the state is organised, the distribution of powers among the 3 organs of government (Legislature, Executive and Judiciary), the scope and manner of exercise of governmental functions, and the relation of the government to the people over whom its authority is exercised. Similarly, according to the set of rules, the people also enjoy their rights and meet their obligations.

Few facts of Indian Constitution:

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