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India aims to add solar capacity of 100GW by 2022

Solar energy is an important source of clean and renewable energy. Solar energy simply means converting heat from the Sun or Sun’s energy to electricity for home and business. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in 2015, expanded the solar plans targeting 100GW of solar capacity by 2022. In 2016-17, India added 5.5 GW of new solar capacity. If India has to reach the set target by 2022, India has to add 18GW per year.

In line with the proposed target, Prime Minister Modi, proposed the initiative of International Solar Alliance (ISA) in a speech in November 2015 at Wembley Stadium to provide clean and renewable energy. He referred the countries that lie between the latitudes Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, as the sunshine countries. The agreement of the International Solar Alliance was signed by 121 countries in November 2016. The Summit aims to provide a finance mechanism for the promotion of solar energy in member countries, crowd-funding and transfer of technology.

The first ISA summit was held on March 11, 2018, in New Delhi. The summit focusses to achieve concrete results in terms of access to energy and combating global warming.

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