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Do Yoga, Keep Calm

Divya Rabindra@NFC

Yoga, as we all know is an age old practice for the overall development of a human being. Today we are looking at cow and cat poses. Cow and cat poses are usually combined together and practiced in sequence. These poses help stretch your back, neck and torso, and when performed along with breathing, it calms your mind.

Cow pose ( bitilasana) 

1. Get down on all fours with wrists under your shoulder and knees under your hips. Legs hip-wide apart.

2. Inhale as you move your belly towards the mat and lift your chin upwards and gaze at the ceiling saying Moooooo.:)

Cat pose (marjariasana)

3. Exhale and pull your belly towards your spine and arch your back towards the ceiling like the cat arches it back while stretching.

4. Slowly move your chin towards to chest saying meowww 🙂 

5. Inhale. Cow pose. Exhale. Cat pose. Repeat 5 – 10 times. Rest with sitting on your heels or sitting crisscross.

7. Stretch your arms wide and give yourself a big hug thanking your body.

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