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Karnataka Legislative Assembly elections on May 12, counting on May 18

In Karnataka, the 5-year term of the current 224 -member Legislative Assembly will end on May 28. The coming elections will see a major fight between Congress, BJP and Janata Dal(Secular).

Elections: In a democratic country, it is through elections, through the process of voting, we select our representatives, to govern our country/state and are held accountable for the same. Those who exercise their votes are called voters/electors. The instrumentality through which it is usually exercised is the ballot (in French, bulletin); and the meeting at which it is done is the election. In India, every person who is a citizen of India, above the age of 18 years has the right to vote unless she/he is disqualified due to non-residence, unsoundness of mind, crime or corrupt or illegal practise.

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